
Jubilee Jollies from Ben and Bridie

Over here at Ben P towers, we’re obviously great supporters of The Royal Family in all their glory, as you will have learned from previous posts: Prince Philip chic, anyone? Or Princess Anne chic, here… Needless to say deep down we’re really shouting out about the Queen. I don’t think there’s a lot we can add to the thousands of column inches and happy photos that fill our papers, or cheering crowds that fill the streets… but to celebrate the jubilee, Bridie did insist we do something a little bit extra special.

The first call was to my friend Francis Terry (who’s brilliant cartoon Shooting Bad Guys will be familiar to loyal readers) and whose Royal Wedding tea towels were a sell-out success last spring. Francis has created a completely zany Jubilee tea towel for 2012, which we have had printed and made, in Suffolk, in splendid Royal Purple and Gold.  Here they are looking rather dashing in my new orange kitchen at the Parsonage.

Bridie, being the tasteful girl she is, didn’t just want to be reminded about the Queen while doing the dishes. So she asked me to design a decoupage plate as well. We had  a little fun with Festival of Britain colours although I have to confess to preferring (special edition… email for more details) black and white… Anyway, here they are looking cheerful on my sofa with its spring-like yellow linen from Max Rollitt, at home.

You can get your teatowels here and plates here. Three Cheers, God Save her Majesty, Have a fabulous Jubilee, God Bless her… we could go on. In the meantime you might like to practice your ‘and have you come far?’ which I am sure will be the only question on anyone’s lips for the Jubilee weekend (a mere seven weeks away).  Pip pip!


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